Monday, February 22, 2021

Story Cube Prophecies

Story Cube Prophecies

This evening's moon crosses the sky in a Waxing Gibbous phase, more than half but less than full. In 29.531 days, it will return to this phase again. If one were to seek a spiritual meaning for such a moon, one could learn that this is a phase for attention to detail, tweaking of one's life a bit.

Speaking of moon phases, specifically the waning phase . . .

I retired right before the pandemic. So, hey, Happy Days! It's okay, though, given our shared harsh realities, it's probably the best way to get through a plague. Provided there's enough scratch coming in to pay for a place. Which, praise be, there is at this moment in time. The whole concept of retirement is laughable to God, I'm sure. No, I'm sure. He told me.

James River, southeast Springfield

Prophesy: God says there are two ways humans think about their lives. There are those whose lives revolve around the idea that they are living on the Earth, and those living with the knowledge that they are of the Earth. Religion for "on the earth" people is all about consumption & seeking temporal gains. Religion for those "of the earth" is more about recognizing beauty in nature. One worships greed & wealth, the other art & nature. Any overlap is strictly superficial. Humans are the only species with this dual view of life, as far anybody knows.

That may be the only thing that makes us special, except . . . well, science. 

I've already deleted a complete paragraph about American politics. Poof! You're welcome. Wasn't worth describing something so pathetically obvious to so many. And there are people who can deliver it better . . . without the profanity. But there's this tidbit.

Prophesy: Josh Hawley, in his later years, will wear a cape but will struggle to find a walking cane to his liking. He will come to resemble a shriveled vampire. His associates will call him "Vlad" behind his back. He will never live in Missouri.

It's not much, but I had to get it out.

On that note, tonight's prophecy is complete. I'm going outside now to take a shot of the Waxing Gibbous and post it as a parting gift of love to all of my fellow humans who know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are of the earth.

Here's a prophecy from July 2019. God told me it was too long. Of course, She's right.