
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Psychogenically Fugued Up

Here's part of Carpenter's long-distance phone conversation with Detective Hamilton on Christmas Eve, according to police report: 

TC: How did you get this number? 
SPD: Tim, we need to talk to you. 
TC: How did you find me? 
SPD: We spoke with Melisa. At this point, Hamilton noted a crack in Carpenter's voice. He paused for several seconds. 
 TC: Oh. 

SPD: Tim, where have you been? Tim, are you okay? 
TC: I, uh . . . I, uh, don't remember. 
SPD: You don't remember? 
TC: No. 

One needn't ask Tim Carpenter for his definition of hell. It began when he finally opened his apartment door to allow his wife and pastor Lindell to enter on a dark Christmas Eve. According to Lindell, he "cowered like a wounded dog" and refused to recognize anyone. And then there was that long, dark drive back home to Springfield from Memphis during the wee hours of Christmas morning. 

When Carpenter first realized he was being taken to Cox North Hospital, he became very upset, according to the report. When he found out Pastor Lindell had already completed the necessary forms to have him admitted for mental evaluation, he became quite angry, but pastor had taken over at this point.

"We don't think Tim is in a situation where he is capable of making rational decisions," Lindell said in a public statement. 

Police were eager to interview Carpenter, but they were unaware of his arrival. On duty nurses at Cox North were apparently told by their supervisors not to tell SPD that Carpenter had been admitted. Somebody had tipped off SPD that Carpenter was in town, but they were unable to find him. One clever detective found out Carpenter's location only by leaning over the nurses' station desk and viewing the computer monitor while the nurse was away asking superiors what to do. 

On Christmas Day, pastor Lindell issued a news release to the public that presented the storyline about a head injury and lost memory. Here's an excerpt: 

"Thankfully, Tim has been found in Memphis, Tennessee. Unfortunately, Tim is not well. He has suffered a head injury apparently from one or more blows to the head. He has lost his memory, and he is disoriented. He does not know his wife, his children or his friends, including me . . . There are so many unanswered questions concerning Tim's current condition, the circumstances surrounding his disappearance, and what has occurred since he's been gone. Tim is totally disoriented." 

Lindell further suggested that Carpenter may have to go out of state for treatment and then added: "Those of us who have gone to Memphis to bring Tim home would be willing to hold a news conference to share the information that we have gathered, our personal observations, and to field questions . . . Requests for further information or a news conference should be faxed to . . . " 

Springfield Police were notified by Carpenter's attorney, Larry Bratvold, that same morning. Bratvold asked that no interviews with Carpenter should occur except in his presence. When police persisted, Bratvold repeatedly contended that Carpenter's doctors advised against any "police interrogation". 

Exactly who Tim's doctors were was a mystery. There was some mention of a psychiatrist from Bolivar, but no doctor contributed anything publicly regarding Carpenter's mental condition. Lindell later notified the media that Carpenter had been diagnosed with Psychogenic Fugue, a dissociative disorder in which a person forgets who they are and leaves home to create a new life. 

During a fugue state, there is no memory of the former life. After recovery, there is no memory for events during the dissociative state. A perfect description of Carpenter's behavior except for the fact that the "fugue" state didn't seem to begin until he realized, while talking on the phone to a Springfield detective, that his "abduction" caper had come to an abrupt end. 

Our best guess is that he continued the ruse of failed memory to avoid talking during his second very real abduction back to Springfield with pastor and wife. Police were never able to question Tim Carpenter, and the story died a merciful death in the media.

By the first week of January, he had been checked out of the hospital and, once again, his whereabouts were unknown. It's interesting that during questioning by police after Carpenter's hospital release, Rev. Lindell admitted that the tormented associate pastor had repeatedly asked to be allowed to contact Springfield police and submit to an interview and tell police the real story. 

It's possible that Lindell, who had invested a good amount of air time rallying media and prayer groups, didn't want the truth told quite so quickly. Carpenter also told Lindell that he had planned to contact his wife and explain the situation but had decided to wait a few days. Note: People in a fugue state don't do things like that.

So where are they now? The last we heard, and that was a long time ago, Tim Carpenter was living in Tulsa working for a home security company. He laid out a $10,000 check to local authorities for his official transgression, filing a false police report. As one might imagine, the Carpenters never worked it out and were divorced a couple of years after the incident. Oklahoma authorities tried to serve the divorce papers to Carpenter at home, but there was no such address in Tulsa. They finally located him at work. 

Pastor Lindell is still working God's agenda down highway 65 at James River Assembly of God Church, which has since dropped the A/G moniker for some reason. Our attempt for an interview a few years ago ended abruptly, though it did reveal Lindell's off-the-record grasp of what truly happened. "What he did was reprehensible," Lindell said over the phone, before uttering the ultimate Christian kiss-off, "We're praying for him." Click.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the rest of the story. Poor Tim, the big bad police got in the way of his master plan to ditch his wife and two teenage daughters without getting a divorce by faking his own abduction and death. If this doesn't show an appalling lack of moral fiber I don't know what does. Attending a church and proclaiming oneself a Christian doesn't mean diddly-squat when it comes to determining moral fiber.

Anonymous said...

I forgot one other thing. My husband said he knew immediately that this whole thing was staged. His employer did business with Carpenter's business, and he said Carpenter had recently paid his account in full. He said they heard through the grapevine that Carpenter had paid all his creditors. My husband said he's sure that was done so that none of Carpenter's creditors would try to find him. Sleazy bastard.

Anonymous said...

At the time all of this was going on, I was told by a local banker that over seven figures was missing from JRAG's building fund (which may explain those pictures in the paper of the congregation fervently praying). The story continued that even with the missing cash, they still had enough to complete the new church construction. The story concluded that the church chose to keep the missing money quiet in order to forestall bad publicity.

Is this true? I don't know, but I do know that the banker who told me this is reliable as far as I am concerned, and he identified his source within the church.

RSmith said...

I don't doubt that TC paid off all his creditors, and I'd also bet he had plans to set up Carol and the kids with something.

He was a very conscienscious guy in that regard, at least. Bilking money from the church? I just can't see him doing that, but that doesn't mean another of the fine JRA brethren didn't yield to temptation.

Any church as large as JRA has ongoing scandals that never meet the light of day. I heard that a youth minister there was fired a few years back for yielding to temptation with one of his young converts - the story never met the light of day.

He's probably at another A/G church now, glorifying god in some manner. I'm praying for him.

Anonymous said...

There was no missing funds and his the money he used to pay his funds was from the family savings.

Anonymous said...

RSmith, are you still around? I want to write a book about Tim Carpenter. Can you help?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Tim Carpenter is currently living in Naples, FL - surely upset that this story has come to light. He spends his money and time using Facebook to denigrate the citizens of Collier County under the name Gap Stand. Nothing about this guy has changed one bit.

Breathing Holes

Remember when you were a kid and you found a turtle or baby bird and put it in a box?  "Make sure it has breathing holes," somebod...